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Waste to Energy Solutions


  • Municipal Waste to Electricity, Thermal Energy, Fertiliser & Water
  • Abattoir Waste to Electrcity, Thermal Energy, Fertiliser & Water
  • Turn-key Waste to Energy for Industrial Parks
  • Tyres to Electricity, Thermal Energy, Steel & Carbon Black
  • Turn-key Waste to Energy for Residential Areas
  • On-site Waste to Energy for FMCG Factories
  • Waste Coal to Electricity
  • Atmospheric Water Generators
  • Medical Waste to Electricity, Thermal Energy, Fertiliser


On Site Energy Production from Waste.


We now have the technology to convert almost any kind of waste, wet or dry, 'on site' into gas, steam, heat, electricity and other.

From 25KW biomass generators and 100KW 'Swallow All' systems to large modular 3MW plants.


Off Site Energy Production from Waste.


You can divert your waste to our waste to energy plants in order to qualify for a zero waste to landfill certfificate. 


Wheeling Energy.


It is possible to process your waste off site and to wheel the electricity back to your site.


Power Storage.


Recor offers state of the art power storage systems by using compressed air which has numerous benefits over traditional batteries and will last significantly longer. This will enable businesses to store power for power outages as well as to more effectively manage power by storing power during low tarriff windows and utilising it during high tariff windows.


Advantages of waste to energy through clean technologies like gasification and pyrolysis.


  • Resource savings and recovery greatly expanded.

  • Generate power in the form of electricity or heat. 

  • Net Greenhouse Gas Reducer.

  • Landfill usage and landfill expansions greatly reduced. 

  • Trucking of waste long distances can be greatly reduced.

  • The Economy of the Community is Enhanced.

  • Stability In Availability And Pricing of Energy.

  • Energy Generation Is Environmentally Friendly. 

  • Job Creation.

  • Carbon Credits.

  • Carbon Tax Incentives.

  • Increase in Profits.


Waste Types that can be Converted into Energy.


Industrial Waste, Medical Waste, Hazardous Waste, Sludge, Manure, Sewage, Food Waste, Garden Refuge, Plastic Waste, Mixed Waste, Municipal Waste, Coal Waste, Etc.


Most Carbon Based Materials can be used. (Excl. Glass, Metals, Rocks, Concrete, Earth)


What is Waste to Energy?

Waste to Energy is the active treatment (thermal via gasification, pyrolysis, thermal depolymerization, plasma gasification) or passive treatment (anaerobic digestion)  of waste with a carbon value into gas, liquid fuels,heat,steam,electricity etc.


Wind, Solar, Geothermal, CSP(Concentrated Solar Power), Gasification, Pyrolysis, Plasma Gasification, Anaerobic Digestion, all have their application. Each client have a unique setup. Some only have rooftops, some are in windy area's, and others produce different types of waste from their manufacturing processes. All the solutions and technologies are available to customise an optimal renewable energy solution for each unique project. We focus on Waste to Energy or Bio Energy as this solution can use various renewable feedstocks as input to produce multiple outputs like gas, steam, heat, electricity, liquid fuels like diesel, jet fuel, petrol, wax, oil, fertiliser, and even downstream chemicals like ammonia. 


Being a project developer we do everything from customised project analysis, feasibility studies, supply and off-take agreements, legislative requirements, licensing, technology due dilligence, basically everything that is required to get small to large 70MW green plants up and running. This enables us to provide turnkey solutions to our valued customers by having a deep undertsanding of all the aspects involved in order to provide the optimal solution. 


The Waste to Energy History.


Waste to Energy plants have been in existence since before the Second World War to generate energy due to sanctions/scarcity. It is however lately in the last ten years that new technologies have opened the way for a greener and high yield industry. In the past waste where incinerated which produced toxic gases that was released in the atmosphere. Later regulations forced these incineration plants to clean the gases in order to reduce the carbon footprint. It is only in the last decade that major leaps in waste to energy technologies have brought about a whole new industry. Waste thermal treatment like pyrolysis and gasification limited the toxic gases and produced gas and waste derived fuel and from there electricity and other forms of energy is produced. Internationally the goal is to minimise waste to landfill as close to zero as possible. Waste to energy is the last step before waste is reduced to landfill in first world countries.


The Renewable Energy Industry.


About 16% of global final energy consumption presently comes from renewable resources, with 10% of all energy from traditional biomass, mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) account for another 3% and are growing rapidly.


At the international level, at least 30 nations around the world already have renewable energy contributing more than 20% of energy supply. National renewable energy markets are projected to continue to grow strongly in the coming decade and beyond.


Renewable energy resources and significant opportunities for energy efficiency exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Rapid deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and technological diversification of energy sources, would result in significant energy security and economic benefits.

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